Evolving Sterilization Processes: Liquid Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide

Event Time

Wednesday, October 16 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Central Time (US & Canada)

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Event Location

Location: Tech Theater

Event Information

Title: Evolving Sterilization Processes: Liquid Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide


Historically, microorganisms in products have been eliminated using methods such as heat, radiation, or ethylene oxide (EtO). Recent advancements have introduced alternative chemistries for achieving sterility. A novel method utilizing liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2) saturated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) enables sterilization at low temperatures and with minimal residue. Notably, this method can destroy a 1 × 10^6 CFU biological indicator in minutes, significantly faster than the hours required by conventional sterilization techniques.

Type: Sponsored Session



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  • Expo



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